Let's talk about Britney Spears.
Come on. You know you want to.
Yeah, I know. We're in the middle of an election. President Bush is going to Israel tomorrow. Osama's threatening to blow us all up again. There are far more important things to talk about than the mental breakdown of an overrated pop singer.
Well, they may be more important, but they're not as much fun.
Truthfully, though, I can't help but watch in horror as this wealthy, beautiful young girl goes all Mr. Hyde on us. Her erratic behavior has caused her to lose her career, her marriage, her children, and the support of her family. The only people who can get near her are those that are trying to take advantage of her. She's like a tiny inflatable raft being tossed around in the icy ocean. And the whole world is watching, laughing, and criticizing, because there's nothing as deeply satisfying to us plain folk as seeing the rich and famous humiliate themselves for our amusement.
A professor that I had once asked us, "What do you value above all?" And before I even stopped to think, I blurted out "anonymity." She looked at me like I was crazy. But I know that when I do act impulsively, inappropriately, or irrationally, there are no crowds around to see me.
And I most definitely prefer it that way.
Tweet of the Day
Next time that someone brags about mesirat nefesh . . .
— benwaxman (not a parody) (@benwaxman) January 30, 2025
20 hours ago
you don't want to always be anon.
you always need your dignity intact.
you don't want to always be anon.
you always need your dignity intact.
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