For those of us of a certain age (cough, cough), the 1970s TV show Happy Days introduced us to the coolest guy on the planet: Arthur Fonzarelli, known, of course, as "The Fonz".
He had a black leather jacket, a motorcycle, and an uncanny ability to make things happen with a snap of his fingers. He also had a Jewish grandmother (remember Grandma Nussbaum?), a true and abiding love for all females, and a lot of loyalty to his friends. He was a good guy, wrapped up in hair grease and a fake Brooklyn accent. I loved him. And I had a hot date with him every Tuesday night at 8:00 for 10 years.
Now the city of Milwaukee, hometown of Arthur Fonzarelli, is proud to announce that they will be unveiling a life-size bronze statue of Fonzie on August 19. The fundraising project ($85,000 is needed) is called "Bronze the Fonz" (of course), and producers and cast members of the show are expected to appear at the unveiling ceremony.
We already have statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln. Now we can proudly add another (fictional) American hero to their ranks. Ayyyy!!!
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8 hours ago
what a throwback!
Loved the Fonz then, love him now.
And the phrase "jumped the shark" came from that show.
(Great, now I'll be humming "Sunday, Monday Happy Days..." all day long!)
The actor, Henry Winkler, is Jewish. Happy Days helped kick off his career big time. He started directing and producing during the show's running. He and Scott Baio, Chachi, were also on Arrested Development together.
Ha. *of course* they need a giant bronze Fonz.
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