UPDATE: Asaf's Hebew name is Asaf Dror ben Leiah Shulamit. Please take a moment to say Tehillim for his speedy recovery.
Elliot Jaffe, who writes the blog Weekend Hospitality, has a son who has been diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure. Elliot writes "Simply put, both his kidneys are damaged and scarred from some infection or defect that happened years ago. They will likely cease to function sometime within the next six months... the best solution for Asaf is a kidney transplant... Live organ donors are considered the best option for kidney transplants. The percentage of successful transplants is higher from a live donor and the transplanted kidney has a longer chance of surviving in the recipient's body. Please contact us if you know of anyone who might be willing to donate one of their kidneys to Asaf. The process takes about six months and requires numerous meetings with doctors, social workers, psychologists and committees to make sure that the decision is freely made and will not jeopardize the donor or the recipient. The recovery time for the donor after the transplant can be as fast at 3-4 days." You can read Elliot's entire post here. The Jaffes, who live in Israel, have also posted a letter about their search here on the Jerusalem Post website.
Elliot says that Asaf will probably need a kidney transplant within the next 12 months. All of his close relatives have been eliminated as potential donors. To donate, you must be in perfect health and have blood type B or O. The Jaffes can be reached at their blog or at elliot_jaffe@yahoo.com.
Please help publicize Asaf's case by linking to Elliot's post or letter.
May Hashem grant Asaf Jaffe a refuah shleimah.
Quote of the Day
*[Ronen Bar, head of the Shabak] has committed a targeted assassination to
the concept of personal responsibility and is fortifying himself in his
seat in ...
13 hours ago
Okay--it is up on my blog. Kol hakavod lach--this is a great idea.
I'm posting it also--word of blog might chase up a kidney for Asaf!
Are you still looking for a kidney for your son? Is it an option to travel to the United States?
Denver, Colorado U.S.A.
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