It's been 7 years since those four airplanes crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an empty field in rural Pennsylvania. For those who lost loved ones, those who witnessed the carnage first hand and barely escaped, and those of us who saw our beloved city set ablaze on a beautiful autumn morning, it feels like yesterday. The memories are still fresh and the heartbreak is still raw. There is still an empty pit in the heart of America's greatest city. And the homicidal bastard responsible for it all is still living out his life as a free man.
May the memories of those who lost their lives be a blessing, and may God avenge their deaths.
I fixed the link, tks for telling me.
A couple of days after the attack, the very anti-American CBC here in Canada hosted a "public forum" stacked with the usual leftist trash that loves to bash America. Speaker after speaker condemned the US and blamed it for what had happened. Turned my stomach.
A few days later I was working in a small ER near the US border and an American patient came in. After treating him, I told him I was sorry about what had happened and that I hoped America would punish Bin Laden appropriately.
"By the way", I concluded, "you should know that under Canadian law, if Bin Laden makes it into our country we would have to refuse an American request for extradition because according to our law, we never send a criminal to a country where he might face the death penalty."
The Yank smiled. "No problem. We'd just come and get him ourselves."
I hope America never loses that sense of initiative and independence.
May God bless America and keep the prices at its factory outlets unbelievably low!
>> May the memories of those who lost their lives be a blessing, and may God avenge their deaths.
lol it looks like the U.S. military beat God to it. XD
"...is still living out his life as a free man."
Who is that?
I was referring to Osama Bin Laden, the head of Al Quaeda.
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