ZAY GEZUNT (video)
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1 day ago
Just a typical Jewish mom... with a superhero complex.
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The one on the right at least as some sign of intelligence in his eyes!
Seems to lend some credence to the theory that at least some people may have descended from apes.
very funny!
Interesting to note: if you were to have put a picture of Obama instead of W up there, you'd have been pilloried as a racist.
I'm just saying....
True, but the juxtaposition of the pictures is meant to be a dig at Bush's intelligence, not his appearance.
The real imbecile here is the person who posted these pictures. I am an Iraq War veteran with an Ivy League degree and eight years of post graduate training. I am honored to have served with President Bush as my Commander in Chief. History will look favorably upon his tenure in office.
I have the highest respect for our soldiers who are fighting in Iraq. I don't however, have respect for the Commander in Chief who put them there, in harm's way, with no thought of an exit strategy. Far too many of our brave soldiers have lost their lives because the Bush administration did not plan this operation out properly. I do not agree with you that "History will look favorably upon his tenure in office."
Time does not permit a lengthy discourse on the subject, but a brief review of the reasons and rationale for the war in Iraq (check the Congressional Record and remind yourself of the more than twenty reasons for the war, which Sen Harry Reid himself called a "slam dunk" - he had access to the same intel as the President) will demonstrate its justness. The soldiers who fight remain overwhelmingly supportive of the mission and of the C in C. They see the story up close. Have there been problems and screw ups along the way? Absolutely. But we invaded for the right reasons, have done much good and set the stage for more potential good in the future (with some luck.)Any student of military action will tell you that the battle plan is obsolete the minute the battle begins.
It takes about ten years to get the true "take" on a presidency. GWB was dealt a hand in his first year, and has done whatever it took to keep his countrymen safe. He remains a true friend of Israel (despite the fools who run it.)
I would refer you to Bret Stephens recent column in the WSJ on the subject.
More later, if time allows.
One more thing before I leave. You can be a Bush fan or not. You can be an Obama supporter or a McCain supporter. But, you should do so based on facts and issues. The juxtaposition of the President's face with that of a chimpanzee, is an offensive and puerile ad hominem attack. I don't have any idea who you are (and stumbled onto this site by accident), but expressing yourself in this manner does not present "SuperRaizy" in an intellectually sophisticated manner.
First, what Garnel said.
Second, there was a president a while ago who ran a war that was even more unpopular than the present one (imagine that!). He was widely derided as an imbecile, was ridiculed by Europeans, and was often portrayed as a monkey by political cartoonists of the day. His nickname was "Abe the Ape". History was much kinder to him than to his detractors.
Third, go back and read the newspapers from the immediate post-9/11 period. Check out how the experts all assumed that we would be in for an endless progression of homeland terrorist attacks. Think of how many there actually were (try none), and then tell me how stupid President Bush really is. (And BTW, fasten your seatbelts with the Obamites on this issue, and I hope I'm wrong.)
Finally, this was a low blow to a guy already down and out for the count. It never ceases to amaze and amuse me how liberals continue to refer to conservatives as "mean-spirited". That pair of pictures defines the term. And I'm just sayin'.
First of all, I didn't juxtapose the pictures myself. They are from a website called TotallyLooksLike.com (which is evident from the pictures.)
Second of all, I'm not an imbecile, puerile, or mean spirited. I'm also not a liberal and have voted for both Democrats and Republicans.
Yes, the pictures are mean spirited. That's true. On a good day, I might have summoned my inner mensch and refrained from posting them. But I was not having a good day.
The truth is that I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for George Bush. His arrogance, incompetence, and total lack of insight have caused some very real, very serious damage to our country and its citizens. I don't say this because he is a Republican- I say it because it is true and it makes me very angry that someone would be presumptuous enough to take on the role of President and then so egregiously fail to live up to his responsibility.
I am very glad that Bush era is almost over.
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