Lapid should apologize
MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) said something really mean and stupid yesterday
during an interview (I think it was being recorded for a podcast),
commenting how...
Know they enemy...and Blame THEM
Even people in pain, have a responsibility for the words they say, the hurt
they cause. And I know the families of four men brought home last night are
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
We jokingly call these meaty, greeny, cheesy, beany, spicy baked chickpeas
because, well, internet recipe naming conventions make us laugh but I
really t...
Role modeling thrives in the discomfort
Here’s a story about parenting. We’re at the celebration for returned
Israeli hostage Eliya Cohen in his hometown (and mine) of Tzur Hadassah,
and a junior...
We Won’t Be Fooled Again
Let's play a little word association game: Palestinian…. Terrorists
Palestinian…. Hijackers Palestinian…. Guerillas See where I'm going with
this? Those wh...
Kovetz Hilchos Xmas – A Parody for the Rest of Us
Humor has always been a staple for Jewish survival. Through our millenia of
tragedies and overall reasons to be sad, humor has been a way to raise the
Update about Amanda and Michael Elk/Elkohen/Tzadok
Dear readers, I am here after a long break to post an important update
about an older post. In around 2010, I was in touch with a fellow blogger
named Mich...
Erev zikaron for Rivka - 5780
We will be holding an *erev zikaron* (memorial evening) for Rivka, on the
evening of the ninth anniversary of her passing.
Yael Unterman will be giving ...
Anniversary season
I promise I meant to write up a whole thing for one year past my kidney
donation. But it’s hot, and I’m tired, and [insert summer excuse here]. I
am also t...
Millenial Kosher - Truly a Cookbook for the Times
Today's connected foodie Millenials surely have heard of culinary blogger
Chanie Apfelbaum, if not by her real name, certainly by her social media
handle -...
Back and Hosting again
I'm back in Israel with an apartment, appliances, dishes and a plan. I am
now living in Raanana. If you are in the area, and/or just want to come
for a s...
The Stuff that Lasts
Is blogging like bike riding? Not in that it also hurts your butt, but that
once you do it, you don't forget how? Let's see.
I have been thinking a lot abo...
The End. Is there a Beginning...?
This is my first post back on Tikkun Olam since April 15th, 2015. It does
not feel real.
Why is it that we never think we will ever have a JOLT in our live...
All Good Things….
I started this blog a long time ago, lifetimes ago in internet years –
2008. A lot has changed in that time, me, you, the world. I’ve let this
blog linger ...
Bereshit: Sibling Rivalry
*The first in a series, **Parshah and Parenting: A Weekly Exploration.
Join me each week! *
Bereshit is the first parashah of the Torah. We look to it fo...
Summer Haircut
The heat in Jerusalem for the past two weeks has been unbearable. I had
gotten to the point where I was prepared to chop all my hair myself, and so
I call...
Finding His Voice
We know that it has been quite a long time since our last update, but it It
has been for good reason - we are happy to report that Ezra is doing very
Thank you for your support!
Thank you very much for supporting our work at The Muqata. We appreciate
your contribution and hope to be able to keep bringing you the most up to
date ... is the new Jdate
I pretty much just said it all with that heading.
For the last couple of weeks, I've been looking for a new nanny to take
care of my mini maidels. Yup - I'...
Unusual uses for garlic.
CC BY-SA 3.0 NY Garlic makes a great flavor enhancer to any food but did
you know it has a lot of other uses such at; Heath Properties – Among other
Bibi’s Brilliant Media Campaign
I wanted to write this post throughout the past election season in Israel,
but I was busy with work, Pesach preparations, etc. After the Likud’s
victory at...
I Don't Like What I've Become
As I'm finishing up *Shacharis*, the two dollar bills, tired and worn from
circulation lay on the table in front of me.
I put those bills there before *dav...
The Costume Crisis
As Purim approaches, a sense of desperation is beginning to set in among
Jewish role models everywhere. “Last year it was so easy. My wife’s
*sheitel*, a ...
Four Children in a Garden
I was listening to a podcast recently where Rabbi Lawrence Kushner was being
interviewed by NPR. He related a fascinating story which blew my mind:
I was l...
Sometimes Dreams Come True
I know that it has been well over a year since I last posted on the blog--a
whole lot of family issues and work that needed taking care of. However,
Charge me all you want! Treat me like a king!
If you are serving me you can charge all you want. I might consider it. I
am after all getting something made specifically for me. I feel special.
Whether ...
The Right Moment
We spend so much of our time waiting. Waiting on line, waiting for the bus,
waiting for appointments.
Waiting for the phone to ring.
There's a purpose f...
Custodial Account Basics
I can't link to the imamother threads that have inspired this informational
post (I've seen a few posts in the past number of months), but I do hope
that i...
Our faces reflect who we are and what we’ve experienced. Someone who has
never had to struggle for something meaningful will reflect that in an open
Book Review : Let my RV Go! by Nicole Nathan
*I have to admit it, I have always wanted to take an RV vacation. Keeping
kosher on vacations in the US is a challenge. The idea that you could
It’s Moving Day
The time has come for me to move to a brand spanking new website – catch me
over at – all of the content that’s here has been
moved ...
The little cherry tree on Woodmere Blvd.
At 321 Woodmere Blvd., in the Five Towns of Long Island, New York, there
stands a mansion-like building. It is an attractive, red bricked edifice
with a la...
Dog Days
"*Dog Days*" are the hottest, most sultry days of summer...usually
fall[ing] between early July and early September... Dog Days can also
define a time pe...
A fond farewell
This summer has been unlike any other. Rather than scrambling to find
camps to send all my kids to, I’ve kept my bigger two home and plan to have
my third...
Leiby Kletzky
Chana's post about Leiby Kletzky says it all.
The song she quotes- A rose among the flowers- is the song that rings in my
head when thinking about the pas...
The following article is about 2 Chassidish Borough Park guys. They owned
an auto collision shop and were purposely ruining the cars even more, by
Bitten By Christmas
I thought I was going to escape Christmas this year.
Silly, silly, silly man.
This morning I was optimistic...I thought that with only two days to go I
Tzadik Bah L'Ir
Our community has the great zechus this shabbos to hear from the Gadol
Hador, Rav Aaron Lichtenstein shlita who is going to be at Rinat. Rav Aaron
is goin...
Interview with a Startup Wife
I know this blog is very neglected, but I somehow found time to respond to
Cooking Manager's fun interview questions. Check it out.
Posts are percolating i...
To Step On Your Friend
I had an interesting conversation with my brother about Pesach earlier this
afternoon. Of course, we were talking about the stress of any Yom Tov, and
the ...
New Beginnings
Hi there. You might be wondering what happened to my blog. For various
reasons, I needed to take a break. During this break I realized that I
loved bloggi...
I wish them the best, but I'm not too optimistic. Thx for updating your blogroll.
But it's such a sweet story! How could you come away from that story feeling cynical?!
Nice heart-warming story.
it took me "only" 12 years to realize that I should marry my husband.
lucky for me, he we first met when we were 15....
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