I haven't posted here in a long time and that is because I have been trying to figure out how to say goodbye.
It's been two and a half years since I started SuperRaizy and being part of this little corner of the blogging world has been a really wonderful experience for me. I started blogging because I was feeling sad and lonely and overwhelmed by my responsibilities at work and at home, and the emotional outlet that being part of this community has provided for me has been invaluable. I have learned so much from reading about your challenges and successes, and being exposed to a whole new range of opinions has opened my eyes on a lot of issues. I am a smarter and more tolerant person now because of our discussions.
But most of all, the friendships that I have formed with some of you has been the most amazing part of all. Making friends with people from around the world whom you have never actually met?! Who woulda thunk it? Definitely not me. But strangely enough, there are now men and women in Israel, in France, in Canada, and yes, even in New Jersey that I now consider to be my friends despite the fact that they don't even know my real name. And because I don't want to just walk away, I will be friending some of you on Facebook so we can continue to keep in touch (and hey, if you want to "ignore" me, I'll understand. I'm not looking to invade anyone's personal space).
Now that my children are older (Flash will be starting college in a year!) I have started thinking about my own personal and professional goals. For the first time since my divorce 10 years ago, I am looking forward to the future instead of just feeling stuck in the day-to-day challenges of the present.
I will still be checking in from time to time to see what y'all are up to. And I might post an update or two at some point if anything exciting happens. But for now, I bid you guys adieu and I remain yours truly,