Today is my absolutely favorite kind of day. It's a no-pressure, don't-have-to-work-today, have-no-appointments, no-guests-are-coming-over, don't-have-to-be-anywhere-specific-at-any- given-time kind of day. It's 10:30 in the morning, I'm still in my pajamas, I had a leisurely breakfast with the kids, and have spent nearly an hour on the computer. I'm calm, relaxed, happy, and at peace. Deep sigh. This is lovely.
Ok, Ok, I have 2 loads of laundry, a pile of ironing, and an entire house to clean waiting for me. And I'll get to it. I really will. In a minute. Well, maybe two...
let the laundry pile up and ironing rot!
these days are few and far between, just stay in your jammies as long as you'd like and enjoy every minute.
Though you may want to think about brushing your teeth!
how old are your kids that you got to sleep so late? and if they are old enough you can sleep so late, then they are old enough to do all those chores for you today. go back to sleep!
ahh those are the good days. Enjoy!
Thank you all for your support and for not calling me lazy. It was a nice day. I relaxed and still managed to get the laundry and cleaning done (although the pile of ironing is growing at an alarming pace. I absolutely hate to iron, and always find excuses to put it off.)
Don't we al love those days?
"and for not calling me lazy"
hmm. that does have a nice ring to it: lazy raizy
lion of zion-
Oy, don't open that door. Lazy Raizy, Crazy Raizy...
I'd rather hold on to the few shreds of dignity that I still have left.
I'm waiting for my day of leisure. Let it come sooner than later.
It didn't hurt that the weather was wonderful. I like to take days off midweek. That way (a) there aren't the crowds of the weekends and (b) I can observe others in their natural workweek state. Of course it helps that I have a flexible job.
Just pretend to be sick. Take off from work, wait until your wife and kids leave the house, then lock the door, unplug the phone, and relaaaaxxxx.
Thank you for visiting. Your name was unfamiliar to me, so I looked at your profile. You are gorgeous. You look just like George Clooney. That's such a funny coincidence, because I look just like Julia Roberts. ( ;
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