Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well, That Was Fun... Sort Of

As planned, I watched the NBN Jewish Bloggers Conference via webcam yesterday. The first hour or so was fun. Lots of non-Israeli bloggers were online, and we all chatted excitedly with each other for a while. Baila, who is obviously a woman of great taste and style, said hi to me on camera during her interview, which made me, in Ezzie's words, "gush" (and I am so not a gusher). I plan to return the favor when I win my first Pulitzer.

But then things got a little off-track. Bibi Netanyahu showed up, which was cool, and interrupted the panel discussion, which was not. (Turns out Bibi's a blogger- who woulda thunk it?) He spoke nicely for the first few minutes, but then began taking questions and went on and on and on... (the chatroom was full of jokes about all the things we were able to accomplish during the endless minutes while he kept on talking). I lost interest and drifted away for a while, but happily came back in time to hear David from Treppenwitz speak briefly about how to grow your blog (IMO, his presentation was the best of the evening). Heshy and Benji both added some much needed humor to the event, and Gila let loose with an honest response to the speakers who kept saying that bloggers have an obligation to promote Aliyah ("I am doing this for me").

All in all, it was fun to "see" and "chat with" other bloggers, and some of the speakers were interesting. I would have liked to hear from the bloggers more and from the Israeli government less. I would also have liked to "meet" more of the audience members. Hopefully next year...


Anonymous said...

So did they look anything like you had imagined?

Baila said...

It was my pleasure. I just wish I could have seen you. Were you wearing your jammies?

SuperRaizy said...

no, they didn't.

No, I was wearing my cape.

Ezzie said...

You DID gush! :P

Phyllis Sommer said...

yes, "sort of" is how i felt too. it was fun but not quite as thrilling as i thought it would be. maybe next year....

Benji Lovitt said...

Thanks, Raizy! Hope you were laughing on the other side of the ocean. Sorry you couldn't make it-it was a blast to meet so many people!

Maybe next year. : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment you left.
Great minds think alike
I just love this expression too.
When I first visited your blog, I liked what you wrote about yourself.

Jack Steiner said...

I saw Jameel on the feed a couple of times. Not sure if he even realized the camera was on him.