For those of you who have checked in this week and found nothing new, I apologize for the lack of posts. It's been a hectic and somewhat overwhelming week, and the buzzing sound in my head that indicates that I am drop-dead exhausted has been starting earlier than usual every night.
The huge snow storm that hit the NY area on Monday has left us with piles of gray slush and ice, and getting around is difficult and tiring. My teenage son, who is usually fairly pleasant to me, is going through an "I just want to be left alone to watch ESPN all night" phase. My adolescent daughter is going through a "feeling insecure and anxious for no apparent reason" phase and keeps apologizing even though she's done nothing wrong. Both of them think that the existence of the other is a mistake and keep urging me, separately, to put him/her up for adoption. (Thank God for my little one, who is still sweet and easy to handle.) And I (God should forgive me) find myself, at times, counting out the years until the kids are grown up and I get to reclaim my house (and my life) for myself. (Yes, I know how ungrateful that sounds. But the whining gets to me.)
So I hope you'll forgive me for neglecting this blog at times. My head is too full of kids, work, and laundry to form coherent and intelligent thoughts. I'm kind of like an old sock- a bit worn out at the heel, and I'm losing my grip.
Lapid should apologize
MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) said something really mean and stupid yesterday
during an interview (I think it was being recorded for a podcast),
commenting how...
16 hours ago
Oh Raizy,
I can totally empathize AND sympathize, but as a mother who has recently married off two of her four, I will tell you that all of a sudden you are hit with this wave of nostalgia...
The grass IS always greener....
Wishing you SUPER(raizy) strength.
(yada yada.. you are woman - hear you roar....) and a Happy (stress free) Purim :)
Kvetch heard and accepted.
Shabbat Shalom!
And I (God should forgive me) find myself, at times, counting out the years until the kids are grown up and I get to reclaim my house (and my life) for myself.
Perfectly understandable at times.
Shavua tov.
I can so relate. Sometimes I agree with my kids and feel like putting them ALL up for adoption. They're really nice kids. Want 'em?
Thanks for sympathizing instead of calling me out for being so ungrateful.
And Baila-
Thanks for the offer, but three teenage girls is a bit more than I can handle.
I never considered putting my kids up for adoption...
...I have offered to SELL them!!
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