{I got some sleep over the weekend and am feeling a lot better, so kvetch time is over.}
Here at Casa SuperRaizy, we're gearing up for Purim, too. Our computer is sporting a new, Purim-themed wallpaper of Esther being crowned Queen (see picture to the right) which I stole from Google images. I will buy the stuff for mishloach manot on my way home from work today, and we will assemble it into baskets before we go hear megillah tonight. Costume requests are easy this year: Supermangirl wants to be a singer (flashy clothes, makeup, sunglasses, a microphone- all of which we already have) and the older two are not wearing costumes. We will be eating the Purim seuda at a friend's house. So, no stress.
The only new thing is that this is Wonderwoman's first Purim as a post-Bat Mitzvah girl. That means that she is fasting today for Taanit Esther. It is her first time fasting and she is very nervous about it. Yesterday, she decided that she wanted to give mishloach manot to every girl in her class. I gave her $20 and some advice about how to choose cheap snacks, and she went to the supermarket and did all the shopping by herself. She managed to create 15 small bags (each containing 3 items) for only $16.49.
To all of you who are celebrating Purim as well, please remember to do so wisely. Getting drunk (and allowing minors to drink) is not a mitzvah! Double parking and blocking traffic while you drop off mishloach manot is not a mitzvah! Spending hundreds of dollars on elaborate costumes and food baskets is not a mitzvah! On the other hand, giving tzedakah to the poor is a mitzvah. Bringing a small mishloach manot to a lonely or elderly neighbor is a mitzvah. Visiting your children's rebbes and teachers is a mitzvah. And hearing the megillah in shul without gossiping is a mitzvah, too.
Happy Purim. I like all your notes in purple. Though I think some of the rabbis/teachers in this town get overloaded with Mishloach Manot, but I'm hoping I can convince my daughter we can knock on her teacher's door and just give her a "hello."
Chag Purim Sameach to you and yours!
Visiting your children's rebbes and teachers is a mitzvah.
I wouldn't classify that one as a mitzvah. It might be a nice thing to do (though I never heard it being a minhag for the parents to do that before). Is this common?
In any case, have a Chag Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
"She managed to create 15 small bags (each containing 3 items) for only $16.49."
not bad.
my wife's friend had me drive her to supersol to buy 50 pre-packed משלוח מנות because they were on sale for 6 shekel (less that $1.50). we almost had to bring them back for her on the plane also, but she ended up taking them.
" Visiting your children's rebbes and teachers is a mitzvah."
my son came home with a flyer from his teachers inviting the kids to come over. i think its cute for him and i'm sure he'd love to do it if we can, but i don't see a reason for older kids to do so.
"And hearing the megillah in shul without gossiping is a mitzvah, too."
rather without talking altogether. (and tipping the בעל קורא for the most difficult leining of the year is never a bad idea either)
Chag Purim Sameach to you and your children!
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