When I was a kid, I used to love Sundays. There was no school (yay!), I could sleep as late as I wanted to (yay!), I could watch TV all morning (yay!), and there was always something fun to do in the afternoon (movies! bowling! yay!) and sometimes my parents let me bring a friend (double yay!)
Now that I'm an adult, my Sundays look something like this:
I don't have to go to work (yay!) But my kids are home from school (yay? umm, no, not really)
I have hours and hours to get stuff done (yay!)... like laundry, cleaning, bill paying, and paperwork (not yay).
But I don't actually have hours and hours, because the aforementioned children are soooo booored and want me to take them someplace fun (like the movies or bowling) and pleeeeease can they bring a friend? which means that now I don't have the time to get stuff done nor the money to engage in the aforementioned bill paying.
Many Sundays (like today) there's a family party or dinner to attend at my sister's or my aunt's house. Which means I have to shop for and prepare a dish to bring to the party. (yay)
So now, instead of waking up Sunday morning thinking "It's Sunday! yay!" I wake up thinking "It's Sunday? I better get up! I have soooo much to do!"
So forgive me if the exclamation points have fallen off of my yays.
Here are some easy-to-read links to help you ease into your Sunday:
As the city of Tel Aviv begins to celebrate its 100th birthday, Reuters recommends spending a weekend there: How To Spend A Couple Of Days In Tel Aviv
The NY Times has an article about bloggers who abandon their blog when it fails to meet their expectations: Blogs Falling In An Empty Forest (clever name!)
Rabbi Doron Perez, Grieving Father & Resilient Leader (Behind the Bima
#173) (video)
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3 hours ago
Oh I can so relate to this post.
I find it especially true for working mothers - and therein lies even more Jewish Mothers' Guilt (not yay....).
Of course, here in Israel, we have a very different reaction to Sundays, but I think you knew that...
Have a great week!
Hehe - I'm still somewhere in between those two stages... :)
Mrs. S. beat me to it. Over here Sunday is just like any other day. So enjoy it, warts and all....
BTW, we should totally get paid for our blogs, dontcha think?
For me Sundays often mean "Lesson prep, hurry up! (not yay)." Except at the moment.
Look, blogging takes time. I think that most successfull bloggers are only good because they believe enough in their topic to keep making that effort....
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