To anyone who may have stopped by over the past two weeks and found nothing new to read... I apologize for the lack of posts. I did sign in a few times, intending to post, but could not bring myself to write anything. I simply felt too sick to my stomach. The barrage of news stories about bad things being done to and being done by various Jewish people has been so overwhelming that I honestly feel physically sick just thinking about it.
A Jewish mother starves her baby nearly to death and gets arrested, leading hundreds of other Jews to riot and set fires and attack other Jews in the streets of Jerusalem. A Jewish family is humiliated by an anti-Semitic policeman at a German airport. Two Jewish babies die tragically, one in Deal and one in Ramat Eshkol. The "burqa Mom" of Bet Shemesh is convicted of child abuse. Jewish camps and bungalow colonies in Upstate NY refuse to cooperate with local authorities who are trying to enforce building safety regulations, thereby endangering the lives of their children and creating an inexcusable Chillul Hashem. Israeli Border Police and Jewish settlers in the West Bank prepare to square off against each other. A New York Congressman who has always portrayed himself as the Jewish boy-next-door gets engaged to a Muslim woman. And now of course, the fabulous news that 5 prominent and respected Rabbis and a bunch of other Jewish men have been arrested by the FBI for money laundering, tax evasion, and illegal trafficking in human organs.
I'm not overly sensitive. It's enough to make anyone sick.
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1 day ago
Heh... you "stole" my post. :)
I was going to comment about my lack of posting for the same reason.
I may yet do so anyway. :)
The Wolf
I agree with your reaction to all the news you listed, save one bit - that of Congressman Weiner's engagement.
He never claimed to be frum, so I don't think anyone ever expected him to specifically marry a Jewish women. As for her being a Muslim, we need more Muslims like her, a moderate and modern face to counter the dominant radical Islam today. Not every Muslim is automatically an enemy.
In any case, his engagement, even if you dislike it, hardly deserves to be limped in with the riots, abuse, and criminal arrests of rabbis.
*lumped in
Sorry DYS but anytime a Jewish boy marries out of the faith that's a tragedy, and can be lumped together with all the other bad news.
Feel with ya Raizy, but what did you expect during the three weeks and the nine days? Re the news around now, I have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy for the three weeks. Unfortunately, I can't seem to avoid seeing and hearing the headlines all over.
From the way you put it, that really is a lot. I think the next step is for us to contemplate why this is happening and actually take some action - spiritually. But yes, it is sickening.
Raizy didn't focus on his marrying a non-Jew, she focused on him marrying "a Muslim woman".
Raizy, would you have felt better had he gotten engaged to an Christian?
I'll be honest, a Jew marrying a Muslim bothers me more than a Jew marrying a Christian. (Maybe it's because Jewish/Christian intermarriage is so common in the U.S. or maybe it's because I have a built-in hostility toward Muslims even though I know that "Not every Muslim is automatically an enemy".) What bothers me most about this is how Weiner has always taken great pains to appeal to his Jewish constituents as being "one of you". I always knew that he was full of BS, and this just confirms it for me.
Sorry to steal your thunder!
I must say that I enjoyed your last news summary much more than this one...
May we be privileged to enjoy besurot tovot, yeshuot, and nechamot.
I agree with you on the depressing effect of all the news you mention.
"What bothers me most about this is how Weiner has always taken great pains to appeal to his Jewish constituents as being "one of you"."
big deal. so he used us to get some votes. he's a politician. and no less scummy than some other jewish politicians (including frum ones). but has he been good for the jews and israel until now? and will his marriage have an effect on his future voting record? these questions are more important to me. i hope the jewish leadership, press and amcha don't jump on him and alienate him before we can evaluate whether we can still use him.
שבוע טוב
Um, it's not 100 % clear whether or not she starved her child...he has a problem (he's in the oncology unit in Hadassah) that he throws up whatever he eats. She also had a psych eval which came back fine.
But true. The news is horrible.
It's very sad all that is going on which inspired the post I wrote on my blog
Oh, boy, when you put it that way, it all really IS nauseating. I'm afraid to ask, but what happened to the Jewish baby in Deal- I hadn't heard about that.
A 3 year old boy was accidentally run over in his driveway by a neighbor.
suggestion: include links to articles about those things for those of us who keep our heads buried in the sand on a regular basis. I only knew about the riot in Jerusalem (which is enough to make anyone sick)
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