First of all, we all owe a huge shoutout to the liveblogging superheroes of the Muqata and Israellycool, who sacrificed sleep, sanity, and the patience of their loved ones to bring us the most accurate, updated, round the clock news of the war in Gaza. Ditto to Jack, who tirelessly organized articles and posts into twice daily "War in Gaza Updates" that allowed us to keep informed and spread the word that the soldiers of the IDF are not the villains that the world makes them out to be. (You guys can take a nap now- you've totally earned it.)
Seraphic Secret brings us a terrific clip of British Col. Richard Kemp telling the BBC that "Israel doesn't have any choice apart from to defend its own people" and that "I don't think there has ever been a time in the history of warfare when any army has made more efforts to reduce civilian casualties and the deaths of innocent people than the IDF is doing today in Gaza." (If only our own hasbara people would defend the IDF as eloquently as Kemp has done!) You must see this video.
Elliot of Weekend Hospitality addresses an important halachic issue in The Dark Side of Organ Transplants.
JEWISH LIFE Shimshonit presents a terrific post In Praise of the Jewish Diaspora.
West Bank Mama's young son learns the true meaning of "becoming a man" in Lessons in Jewish Manhood. Drew Kaplan discusses that sacred Jewish institution, the Shabbos nap, in Thank God For Sleeping On Shabbos. Conversations in Klal feels that "some of our young men and women, the ones still in their teens and very early twenties, are not getting married because they don't want to be married." Her commenters enthusiastically agree in Some Plain Speaking. Serandez examines the lack of financial transparency in Jewish schools in Transparency and Punishing Success.
ANTI-SEMITISM Daled Amos presents Welcome To C-Span- And Thank You For Slandering Jews! Lady-Light responds to the world's anti-semitic condemnation of Israel in Anti-Semitism, Martin Luther King, and Julie Burchill.
Our thoughts go out to Elie on his son Aaron's birthday z"l. Congratulations to Baila on her 200th post, and a very happy birthday to her beautiful dog Ozzy! Jack shares some thoughts about writing (and grandfathers) in The Professional Blogger. Sporadic Intelligence has a few words to say about our perceptions of beauty in Men vs. Women: The Last Degradation. Shtetl Fabulous asks "Why did we get so obsessed with the landing of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River? Maybe because things have gotten so bad we need any bit of good news we can get." Check out Miracle on the Hudson. Beneath The Wings opens our eyes to the importance of respecting the personal dignity of people with special needs in A Three-Post Day: Perceptions. Also see Rabbi Shimon Ben Shatach And My Daughter, the (Petty) Thief. The Rebbetzin's Husband discusses the assumption that being a small-town Rabbi is not sufficiently challenging in The Hick Rabbi And The Metrorabbi. According to Frum In The City, the Superbowl is going to be geshmack. Check out Superbowl Mania In Yeshiva And In All The Hayligah Moisdois. The Real Shliach tells us about his smicha test in Tov Tov Lehodos!Whether you like it or not, America's got a new president! J-bloggers reflect on the inauguration of Barack Obama in: Ima on the Bima's Making History Today, What War Zone's Live Blogging The Obama Inauguration: Who Had 12:48 PM In The Shema Pool?, On Obama And Our New American Lexicon at Letters Of Thought, Moshe, Obama, And The Cult Of Personality at The Rebbetzin's Husband, Daled Amos' On Israel, Obama Is Against Using The T-Word--And In Favor Of The Saudi Plan After All and my own Inauguration Day and Once Again Now, With Feeling.
ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Carol Feldman offers us a beautiful rendition of Tel Aviv at night with EspressoBarKiosk. Shiloh Musings reminds us that Eilat is also Eretz Yisrael. Leora shows us the majesty of the sycamore tree here and here.
Joe Flix Daily posts one fabulous picture after another. Wolfish Musings presents Floral Macro: How Close Can You Get?
Shvach Yid shows us the lighter side of a sneeze in Gesundheit. Mike in Midwood offers And Where is the Messiah? Find out What Men Look For In A Prospective Shidduch at Not Just Typical. A Time of The Signs zeroes in on a lighthearted help-wanted ad in Pretty Upbeat Pizza.
Hope you enjoyed the roundup! Please let your readers know that this edition is up. Next week's edition is being hosted by Ima On (and off) The Bima. To submit your post, use this form.
Be sure to check out the latest edition of the delicious Kosher Cooking Carnival, debuting today at Ilana Davita's.
Phenomenally done! Thanks for the link.
Well-done! It seems that, like me, you wanted a serene night and posted before going to bed!
Well, you did it well if you went to bed at 12:15!!
Anyway, you did a great job!
Yaasher koach.
I'm not sure I should thank you for giving me all this great reading material!! Good job.
Nicely done. Lots of content this week. May be continue to be prolific and to have wonderful editors like yourself!
Thanks for hosting and for including me.
Jack, dude, please post on why the numbers are off. Please make up something legitimate, too, OK?
Haveil Havalim #201 [202] Is Up!
Kol hakavod for an incredible job!
Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the inclusions
Wow, so many links, and a section for art and photography, too!
Lots to read... thanks for the hard work.
great great great job!
i love the little icons...
thanks for the shout-out:-)
Looks great!
Great post; thanks for the link.
great job! and thanks!
On behalf of all of us at the Muqata, IsraellyCool, DoubleTapper, and the IDF -
thanks for an amazing HH roundup!
Jameel & Crew.
And, yes, the IDF are the bravest of them all.
See this video clip if you ever needed more proof.
Its an interview with David Shapira who killed the terrorist at the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva last erev purim in Jerusalem.
Simply Speechless.
Awesome job! thanks.
What an effort! Thank you for putting this together, and for the link.
Very well done! The category icons are great, and the whole thing is exceptionally readable. Thank you so much.
Raizy, a fabulous job!!! I haven't stepped away from my computer in hours!
Aww, shucks. Y'all is too kind.
Thanks SO much for including me and my whole spiel about the post. Only one problem - looks like the link doesn't work.
Here's the correct link for Miracle on the Hudson, courtesy of Shtetl Fabulous: http://shtetlfab.blogspot.com/2009/01/miracle-on-hudson.html.
Thanks for letting me know. I corrected the link.
Incredible job, and beautiful design! (this is why I'm not volunteering to host; wouldn't know how to begin to do this right).
Ach, so many BLOGS, so little TIME.
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